The company is the brainchild of scientists with an academic research background. This has given the company both theoretical knowledge and practical expertise in all aspects of liquid chromatography. In the first ten years of its existence, the company made significant progress. Subsequently, leading suppliers of HPLC technology such as LDC Analytical (now ThermoFinnigan), Rheodyne, Jour Research, Hewlett-Packard, Macherey Nagel, Supelco, Grom/Alltech/Grace, Shodex, Tosoh, Polymer Laboratories, Knauer, Sunchrom, ILS, GL Science, Optimize, SMI LabHut, Spark Holland, LabAlliance, Sequant, FasTech Dr. Maisch, Radleys, Purite and others. Towards the end of the last century, WATREX started its own instrument development and production. WATREX manufactures LC components under the brand name DeltaChrom.