In 2010, he graduated from Yıldız Technical University, Department of Chemistry.
After his military service, he joined Sem Laboratuar Cihazları Paz. San. and Tic. A.Ş. as a ‘Service Engineer’ in the spectroscopy group.
In 2013, he completed Agilent Technologies ICPMS training in Tokyo, Japan and Agilent Technologies ICPOES training in Melbourne, Australia.
In 2014, he completed Agilent Technologies ICPMS Update training in Philadelphia, USA.
In 2015, he completed Agilent Technologies ICPMSMS training in Tokyo, Japan.
In 2016, he completed Agilent Technologies MPAES training in Waldbronn, Germany.
In 2018, he completed Agilent Technologies ICPOES/MPAES advanced application training in Waldbronn, Germany.
As of 2018, he started to work as ‘Spectroscopy Group Team Leader’.
As of the end of 2022, he continued his duty as the Service Manager of Leica brand microscopes, which were included in the unit he was managing.
As of May 2024, he left his position at Altium International Laboratuvar Cihazları A.Ş. and transferred his knowledge and experience in ICPMS – ICPMSMS – AAS – ICPOES – MPAES – Raman – XRF – UV/VIS Systems – FTIR – Dissolution Systems – Microscopy Systems and complementary equipment of all these devices to Salt Analitik Çözümler Kimya San. And Tic. Ltd. Şti as a company partner in order to provide more effective solutions.